"We all have a vocation. We believe that God has called us to this life to fill a special need that no one else can accomplish.”

St. Francis de Sales


“How do I know God is calling me?”

Considering a job or career change? Perhaps God is calling you instead to embrace a vocation and mission — to become a fisher of men and a spiritual father. The peace the world cannot give is the fruit of uniting our will to the loving Will of God.


The Associate Program helps college students discern a vocation to the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales as a religious brother or priest. Through individual meetings with the Vocation Director, small group meetings with other Associates and Oblates, retreats during school breaks, and summer internships at Camp DeSales, the Associate discerns a religious vocation while practicing his faith in a normal college setting.

One of the main differences between diocesan and religious priesthood is community life.

Through the perpetual profession of poverty, chastity, and obedience, the Church creates religious families. Like any large family, some brothers have similar interests and interact often, others not as much. But they are all brothers, bonded by history, profession and purpose. In times of celebration and times of grief, they are there. In support of one another's prayer life, moral life and personal life, they are there. In accomplishing works for God that could never be done by one person or in one lifetime, they are there. The best way to learn if a religious family is a good fit for you is to spend time with them. The Oblate associate program and summer Catholic Youth Camp internships are two ways to do just that


In their own words….


...In community
...In schools
...In summer camps
...In youth evangelization
...In parishes

Donate to Our Seminarians

Your gift helps us cover the annual cost for housing, education, and spiritual formation which exceeds $60,000 for each seminarian.  Your support of our seminarians ensures that the Oblates may continue to disseminate the spirituality of St. Francis de Sales, our primary mission and ministry on behalf of the Church. 

Oblate Seminarians with Oblate Priests at Camp DeSales

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