“Let us do everything in a spirit of peace and love!… let us walk and even run in the way of God's Divine Will, not letting ourselves be pulled and pushed about like puppets.”
St. Francis de Sales
DeSales Weekly Reflections
Every Thursday our digital newsletter, DeSales Weekly, provides new resources to aid in efforts to “Live Jesus,” the motto of our patron, St. Francis de Sales. He sought to integrate the sacred and the secular to make the ordinary events of our lives extraordinary by bringing virtue, grace, and Jesus to all we do.
With reflections on Salesian topics by the Oblates and lay collaborators, resources to help prepare for Sunday Mass, and updates from the Oblate world, this weekly email offers a regular, concise resource to life the spirit and help it soar into the weekend.
St. Francis de Sales lived two hundred years before Don Bosco but was admired tremendously by him. Why? Because of his zeal for souls! Don Bosco made De Sales’ motto his own – Da Mihi Animas Caetera Tolle – “Give me souls, take away the rest”…
Fr. Paul shares how he came to Live Jesus and his journey from being a Dominican priest for twelve years to feeling a call to join the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales. How can we Live Jesus and honor St. Francis by the way we live?...
The Oblates around Toledo gathered together and celebrated the Feast of St. Francis de Sales on January 19th. The highlight of the gathering was a reflection given by Jenn Okuley...
When I came to Salesianum School in 2014 I could not have imagined how St. Francis would influence my life. His emphasis on gentleness and patience sparked my heart through interactions with Oblates, teachers, and students, and changed the way I see the word. How can his teachings influence you?…
As we celebrate the feast day of our patron saint on January 24, I am reminded that so many men and women from around the Oblate world wholeheartedly understand St. Francs’ Spirituality. How can one student’s simple explanation of St. Francis’ spirituality, inspire us to carry out Francis’ teachings?…
Welcome to the season of Ordinary Time! How can the ordinary gift of a mug help break the myth that days are ordinary? How does this remind us of God's continuous wonders? ...
Have you ever offered a blessing to someone you love or care for? Through the sign of the cross, laying of hands, etc, we bless others with the love of Christ. As we celebrate the Baptism of the Lord, let's reflect on how we can be a blessing and give blessings to one another...
On Sunday, we celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany, when the Wise Men from the East followed a star to Bethlehem. Here, Mr. Ramos shares traditions of this feast day in his home country of Spain and how through faith we follow our own stars laid out by the Lord…
Scripture tells us that the Lord will sing joyfully because of you. The gift of Christmas that we all receive is the love of the Lord. He loves us so much that he sings joyfully, even when we may not be joyfully singing (or humming) ourselves...
To bring Jesus' teachings to others is an awesome gift and responsibility! It means that we make a serious commitment to live our Baptism. How do we “Live Jesus” and how can we make His coming known?…
Christmas week, as the hustle and bustle of the holiday slows, it is good to take time to search for the peace, joy, and grace of Christmas. What examples does St. Francis give of finding God in the natural, ordinary moments of life?...
Advent offers a glimpse into the depth of God’s love for creation, and His relentless dream that creation can live the good, in the way God created them to demonstrate. What is our part in God’s plan?…
I recently shared my story of a spiritual bouquet with the Sisters at the Visitation Monastery of Toledo and asked them, “What smell reminds you of God?” Find out what the Sisters said and how can smells remind us to rejoice in God's love? ...Read More
Throughout the Advent season, we focus on Mary and her life, her actions and her journey. How can we journey with her to Bethlehem and have her accompany us on our own journeys? How can we look to Mary and seek her intercession ...Read More
Catholics across the world will be celebrating the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe today. Her shrine in Mexico City is one of the most visited Catholic shrines, Have you ever wanted to go there? Fr. Mike shares his experience...Read More
We have a practice given to us by St. Francis de Sales where we gather a “spiritual bouquet” at the end of our morning prayer. These spiritual bouquets are the consolations, sweet thoughts, or insights we experience during our morning prayer...Read More
Hearts and minds, touched by God’s love, are urged toward Christ-centered meaning, purpose, and wholeness. How can we tune into our hearts this Advent? What advice can we gain from St. John the Baptist and St. Francis de Sales on how we can cultivate interior awareness?...
Fr. Michael Newman, OSFS, shares his Thanksgiving prayer based on the writings of St. Francis de Sales.
With gratitude, families and friends gather in appreciation the of gifts of faith and freedom. How can we use this day as an opportunity to not only thank God for our blessings but also remember the blessings we have shared over the years...
On November 21 the Oblates and Visitation Sisters will renew our vows. Leading up to the renewal of vows, I presented a retreat to the Visitation Monastery in Toledo, what surprising lesson did I learn? ... Read More
As the Visitation Sisters prepare to renew their holy vows on November 21, they reflect on their lived experiences and Spiritual promptings. What is the importance of a yearly renewal of vows and how can we apply this practice to our own lives and vocations?…Read More
In a few days, we will celebrate the Feast of Christ the King and, a few days after that, Thanksgiving. How are these two celebrations deeply connected? …Read More
God made us in His image and likeness, He plays a big part in helping us navigate our life’s journey. How does every experience and every person God places in our lives perfect preparation for our future ? How can we better place our trust in Him?...
During these weeks between Halloween and Thanksgiving, many people remember their deceased loved ones by visiting their graves at the cemetery. How is the month of November much like Holy Saturday and what is St. Francis' advice during this time?...
What do the words 'honor', 'courage' and 'commitment' mean to you? As we celebrate Veterans' Day next week, we can examine these values in light of what they mean to veterans. How can we learn from these heroes and what are the values that characterize you?…
It is difficult for me to ask for prayers. This year during an event with fathers of students at St. Francis de Sales School, I shared the story of the Oblates and added a request to pray over a profession box for the next Oblate. Why is this box so important to Oblates and how can your prayers make a difference? …Read More
Election Day is just around the corner! We all know too well that this is a close race. However, as Catholics, we may find ourselves conflicted by the platform of both candidates. So, what are we to do?...
The question of what to do with upsetting emotions is a major part of allowing our spiritual life to permeate the rest of our lives. Here I share a prayer practice that has been a major help in my spiritual life. Three simple steps that lead us away from troubled states and towards inner peace...
Earlier this month, St. Anthony of Padua Parish (DE) celebrated its 100th anniversary. Since 1924, the Oblates have been ministering at this parish, which was originally founded as a place of worship for Italian immigrants. How does this milestone anniversary remind us that the Church is alive and filled with hope?...
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