The Shield of the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales captures several elements of Oblate identity.

The Shield of the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales

Understanding the Meaning of Each Element

The Shield of the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales
  • V+J, Vive Jesu or Live Jesus, is the Oblate motto. It was the guiding principle in the life of Saint Francis de Sales. The motto is situated in the center of the Rising Sun, which symbolizes the Risen Christ. Living Jesus is what the Oblate way of life is all about. The small Cross shows the "way" this is achieved is through total self-abnegation. This was the life-long goal of Saint Francis de Sales - and it is the raison d' etre of our Oblate life and work.

  • The Latin sentence at the bottom of the shield is another motto of the Oblates: Tenui Nec Dimittam. It means “I have taken hold and I will not let go.” It is taken from the Song of Songs, St. Francis de Sales's favorite book of the Bible. The actual rendition of the verse is “We have found the Lord, our Beloved and we will never let go.”

    We Oblates have found the Lord and we will not let go.

  • Because the Oblates are dedicated to the Blessed Mother under the title Our Lady of Light, the shield is light blue.

  • This is an olive branch. It is the symbol of peace which for the Oblates is achieved through gentleness and an inner strength which comes only through the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives. The olive branch also represents central and southern Europe where the Oblates originated and first served doing parish and school work.

  • This is the branch of an orange tree. It symbolizes the first Oblate mission outside of France in South Africa along the Orange River in Pella. It is the symbol of Oblate mission work in every age and in every corner of the world.