Founders’ Day
Blessed Louis Brisson, OSFS
In October, the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales celebrate Founders’ Day, when we remember Blessed Louis Brisson, OSFS and the first Oblates.
In 1873, Bishop Ravinet of Troyes, France, presented the Oblate religious habit to Fathers Brisson, Gilbert, Rollin, Lambert, Lambey, and Perrot as they began their novitiate. Thus, this was the day that the congregation of Oblates of St. Francis de Sales began! October 12 is the Feast of Fr. Louis Brisson, as declared at his Beatification.
When he was a diocesan priest, Fr. Brisson was assigned as chaplain to the monastery of the Visitation of Holy Mary in Troyes. Venerable Mother Mary de Sales Chappuis, VHM, Superior of the Troyes Monastery, was convinced that it was the Will of God that he start a religious congregation of men to follow the spiritual legacy of St. Francis de Sales. It was not until the Lord Himself appeared to him in the parlor of the Troyes Visitation monastery on February 24, 1845, after a heated discussion with Mother Chappuis, that Brisson finally acquiesced. However, it was another thirty years before the Oblate priests and brothers were founded, fulfilling Mother Chappuis’s lifelong desire.
On October 12, 1873, Fr. Brisson and six contemporaries received the habit of the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales and began a two-year novitiate period of prayer and formation in the consecrated life. In 1875, the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales was officially founded as a congregation of men dedicated to spreading the optimistic, inspired-common-sense wisdom of Saint Francis de Sales in a variety of ministries and apostolates.
Fr. Brisson was beatified, at the authorization of Pope Benedict XVI, in 2012, in Troyes, France. The cause for his canonization remains active.
Founders’ Day was celebrated by Oblates and many of our apostolates across the North American Provinces. Here we highlight some of the celebrations:
Oblates at the Oblate Retirement Center in Childs, MD were joined by the Visitation Sisters to honor Founders' Day! Blessed Louis Brisson, OSFS, was honored at the Feast Day Mass where Fr. Paul Colloton, OSFS, wore Brisson's stole and used his chalice. After the Mass, Oblates and Visitation Sisters gathered for a reception and celebration.
St. Francis de Sales School, Toledo, OH celebrated with a Mass that included a student sharing a Salesian Reflection. You can read a summary of his comments here.
Salesianum School, Wilmington, DE Founders’ Day included Mass and a special celebration that cumulated the Freshman Formation experience when they receive their ties - a sign that they have earned the right to join the Salesianum Brotherhood! Many Salesianum alumni returned to campus to help freshmen tie their ties and celebrate Mass. Thanks to all the Oblates who joined the Mass! You can read more about the Freshman Formation program in an article titled "Salesian Ties."
Nativity Preparatory School, Wilmington, DE celebrated with a Coffee & Conversation and special guests of Oblates, and donors. Nativity eighth grader, Raleir Tate, spoke about his experience coming to Nativity Prep. There was also the annual ceremony to rename the front circle. This year it will be called Leo and Mary Jane (Renezette) Way, long-time Nativity supporters. You can read Raleir’s reflection here.
“We should not only fulfill the assignments given to us but we should fulfill them well within our abilities and with the grace that God gives us. ”