Salesianum School Celebrates the Dedication of the Hynansky Wellness Center

St. Francis de Sales, emphasized a spirituality of gentleness, trust in God, and practical advice for living a holy life amid the stresses of daily life. He reminded his followers to be gentle with themselves, particularly when struggling and instead focus on God's infinite love. Through the newly dedicated The Hynansky Wellness Center, Salesianum School is helping students live out this teaching:

“Helping boys thrive means equipping them with the tools needed to manage their emotions, relationships, and stresses. Indeed, that’s what educating the whole person is really all about. To that end, Salesianum is a local leader in mental health programming and accessibility. We believe that in order for each of our students to thrive and grow into their full potential, true holistic wellness must be supported through a wide range of easily accessible, effective, and relatable services…This center houses the school’s three full-time and two part-time counselors and a space for telehealth services. The space also includes a central informal gathering area known as Sean’s Room…[that is] utilized for peer counseling, group meetings, and other programs tied to the school’s overall wellness efforts aimed at the body and spirit. Mental well-being remains a top priority of Salesianum's approach to educating and caring for the whole individual. 

Like peers across the country, Salesianum students are experiencing instances of anxiety and depression at higher rates than ever before. Helping boys thrive means equipping them with the tools to manage their emotions, relationships, and stresses.  Indeed, that’s what educating the whole person is really all about.  To that end, Salesianum is a local leader in mental health programming and accessibility. We believe that for each of our students to thrive and grow to their full potential, true holistic wellness must be supported through a wide range of easily accessible, effective, and relatable services.”…Read More


The Making of an Oblate Part 1: Miracles from Mexico


Rev. Michael Anthony Vogt, OSFS (1958-2024)