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St. Francis de Sales and Don Bosco: Evangelizers
St. Francis de Sales lived two hundred years before Don Bosco but was admired tremendously by him. Why? Because of his zeal for souls! Don Bosco made De Sales’ motto his own – Da Mihi Animas Caetera Tolle – “Give me souls, take away the rest”…
He Gets Us
As we celebrate the feast day of our patron saint on January 24, I am reminded that so many men and women from around the Oblate world wholeheartedly understand St. Francs’ Spirituality. How can one student’s simple explanation of St. Francis’ spirituality, inspire us to carry out Francis’ teachings?…
St. Dominic
It is in our nature to want to avoid failure, but that very failure can lead to and help us succeed, this is especially true in spiritual life. How does St. Francis de Sales encourage us to embrace and love our flaws and failures?…