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Welcome, Welcome, Welcome
The question of what to do with upsetting emotions is a major part of allowing our spiritual life to permeate the rest of our lives. Here I share a prayer practice that has been a major help in my spiritual life. Three simple steps that lead us away from troubled states and towards inner peace...
A Century of Welcoming
Earlier this month, St. Anthony of Padua Parish (DE) celebrated its 100th anniversary. Since 1924, the Oblates have been ministering at this parish, which was originally founded as a place of worship for Italian immigrants. How does this milestone anniversary remind us that the Church is alive and filled with hope?...
I’m Shrinking
It is true that as we age, we get shorter and shrink. What I hope is that even as I shrink in height I will not shrink in heart. How can a prayer from Fr. Louis Brisson, OSFS, help us to continue to grow our Salesian hearts?...